Want to know what I think? I believe you should make it your life’s goal to become one with happiness. Like I mentioned a few episodes back, happiness is an inside job.
It’s a practice that you have to work on every, single, day.
In this episode, I shared how the problems and challenges we face are there for a purpose. Each thing we go through brings us a lesson to extract and knowing this, is the key to staying in the vortex of your happiness.
Take a listen to hear how you can keep yourself engulfed in happiness and away from the negativity, muck and all of the other bull shit that hinders us from experiencing true joy.
What you’ll find in this episode:
How I look at happiness as a practice
How the world makes more sense when you recognize there is a purpose for adversity
Why all of your experiences are meant to change you
Why you should focus on being grateful on a daily basis
Why you need to STOP watering situations and people that don’t make you happy
The gaping black hole of need (and how this doesn’t fill up your happiness tank)
Why you shouldn’t delay happiness based on other people’s judgment